Siarra T. Mong – “Laura”

Siarra T. Mong - "Laura"

Siarra T. Mong plays Laura the main love interest of Big Daddy and the most senior member of the farm family.

Siarra T. Mong is an American actress, model and entrepreneur originally from LaPlata, Maryland. She was first exposed to entertaining professionally as a child through competitive dancing (tap, jazz, ballet), modeling (The Children's Place) and developing her classical music talents as an awarded clarinet playerThroughout school Siarra participated in school plays that kept her spirit soaring. After a rehearsal for the play "The Skin of our Teeth" her theatre teacher gave her the ultimate image for a young performer, he said, "imagine your name in lights." From that moment there was only one goal: To make that dream a reality. While residing on the East Coast, she attended the University of Maryland's honors university in Baltimore to be apart of their esteemed Theatre Department. While attending she co-starred in her universities internationally acclaimed productions and was awarded academic honors. Because of her specialized knowledge of the family language of Chinese, she was able to serve as a dialect specialist for Kia Corthron's Trickle that featured a thick accented Chinese woman. After graduation things quickly developed for Siarra and she performed with the Chesapeake Shakespeare Company, Warner Brother's Records, Debbie Poole, the Glass Mind Theatre Company and other respected individuals. In Chicago, Siarra attended an open call for the esteemed boutique agency, Lily's Talent, and was immediately represented. With this partnership Siarra was able to consistently audition and to work on amazing film, modeling and commercial productions. She further honed her craft with advanced study of voiceover, combat, yoga and cycling.

Check out her full movie list at IMDB: Siarra T. Mong @ IMDB

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